“You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.” ~ Charlie Chaplin

Posts tagged ‘bopper’

Bopper Blues

It has been awhile since I have posted. So many things have changed with Dex and he is getting so big so quickly. The biggest thing is he is 2. 27 months to be exact, but we don’t go by months and haven’t in a while. I only say this because I know there is such a huge difference between 24 months, 30 months, and 35 months. All are still ‘2.’

Anyway, we have completely weaned Dex of of his bopper for all times of the day, including car rides, except for nap time (at home, Daycare he doesn’t have one) and night time. I am doing to take the naptime bopper away this weekend at home, but I struggle with taking his bopper away at night.


He wants it. He is soothed by it. He sleeps a LOT better with it.

His teeth look great and he hasn’t had any alignment issues having one. He has all of his teeth since he was a year old. So, I am not worried about the fear mongering others have used on my about how his teeth will be crooked. They aren’t. Besides, if you read the literature, pediatric dentists are split 50/50 whether or not that is the truth it seems. I’m not a pediatric dentist, so I don’t know. I just know in our case, his teeth are fine.

If it stresses him out THAT much, why not wait until he is mentally ready to lose it? We can trade it in for something he really wants. When he is really sick he still cries for it during the day, but we don’t give in. I might try and take it from him at night in the next month or so, but honestly, I like my sleep. I want to get plenty of it. If he doesn’t sleep, I don’t sleep. Period. We’ll see…..