“You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.” ~ Charlie Chaplin

Posts tagged ‘skinny’

Why even say that?

Today the words ‘disgustingly obese’ were used to describe most babies to try and console a mother who’s child is small (the mother’s words, not mine) for their age. I was so sad to see this. It works both ways, if you don’t want comments on how small your child is, don’t allow comments on how large another is. Babies are babies. There is no ‘perfect’ size. What matters is healthy and alive.

As long as your pedi doesn’t see anything wrong with your child, they are fine. Period. It just really rubbed me the wrong way. I constantly get comments on how fat Dex is and how he looks like he should be over 1. This convo took a wrong turn with mothers of smaller children unintentionally starting to bash those that have larger children. It just felt hypocritical to me.

Sorry for the rant.

In other news, sorry no 9 month update yet! Oct is crazy busy for me. Between all the PAIL activities with the charity, Dex’s Dedication into the church, and remodeling… ugg. No time! 🙂